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“spectroscopic ellipsometry”
spectroscopic ellipsometry
1. A spectroscopic ellipsometer allows for the accurate characterization of a range of properties including the layer thickness, optical constants, composition, crystallinity anisotropy, and uniformity.
2. Ellipsometry which uses more than one wavelength and allows variation of an angle of incidence; measures not only film thickness, but also provides information on select chemical/physical characteristics of the film(s); very useful in process monitoring and diagnostic.
3. Ellipsometry which uses more than one wavelength and allows variation of an angle of incidence; measures not only film thickness, but also provides information on select chemical/physical characteristics of the film(s); very useful in process monitoring and diagnostic.
2. Ellipsometry which uses more than one wavelength and allows variation of an angle of incidence; measures not only film thickness, but also provides information on select chemical/physical characteristics of the film(s); very useful in process monitoring and diagnostic.
3. Ellipsometry which uses more than one wavelength and allows variation of an angle of incidence; measures not only film thickness, but also provides information on select chemical/physical characteristics of the film(s); very useful in process monitoring and diagnostic.
Ellipsometry is the most common way of measuring thickness of thin films; based on the detection of phase shift of plane polarized incident light beam during reflection from the surface.
Thickness determines ranging from a few angstroms to tens of microns are possible for single layers and complex multilayer stacks.
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